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Emetophobia is the fear of vomit or vomiting. Emetophobia causes significant distress in sufferers including depression, social and professional impact, behavioral avoidance, eating avoidance, rituals, and more. People who suffer from emetophobia may live in constant anxiety avoiding food, places, smells, work, school, travel, and engage in behavior such as excessive hand washing, taking antacids, checking bathroom locations, checking for signs of illness and more.

See a complete summary of emetophobia from the Anxiety & Depression Association of America.

Emetophobia impacts an estimated 8.8% of people with 0.1% experiencing severe distress. Research shows emetophobia can be successfully treated with a variety of techniques, however, sufferers of emetophobia often don't seek treatment due to feelings of shame or fear of what is required in treatment.

Emetophobia is a particularly impactful phobia. First, vomiting is a bodily function, and there is no escaping our bodies, so sufferers of emetophobia live with their fear at every moment. Second, in this phobia nausea is both a trigger and symptom, meaning emetophobia sufferers experience a rapid and powerful negative feedback cycle. This leads to powerful trigger associations - which can include reading, saying or hearing words, images, smells, places, or anything past associated with vomiting like colors, or certain clothing.


Research shows, you can take your life back from emetophobia. The same mental process that causes emetophobia can be used to unlearn it. You deserve a life free of phobia.

Research shows emetophobia can be overcome in small, incremental steps.

Recovery with Bia

Bia's mission is to make emetophobia recovery accessible to all by lowering the barrier to getting started and encouraging follow through. You are in full control of the pace and order of your journey, from the comfort of you own home. With Bia, you will learn essential concepts - why phobias form and how they can be unlearned, and practice new skills in a safe environment.

If you are currently in therapy, Bia can be a great tool to help you apply your skills and track your progress. If you are not in therapy, Bia is an easy way to start on your journey and explore what is possible.

Phobia Quiz


Here are some other resources that might be helpful:

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